
Housewife Tip #1

So now that I am a fulfledged Housewife (a married woman who is in charge of her household)...in pearls, I might add, it is about time to share some Happy Housewife tips.  I know that you're probably thinking that I am a Newlywed and I have no clue what I'm talking about...I have been a housewife for less than 6 months, technically 72 days...but as of tomorrow I will have beat out Kim Kardashian's quickie marriage and I really don't foresee any major issues arising this evening that would cause Jason and I to split tonite or tomorrow...
Thanks to those who have offered me wisdom and advice are already making me a smarter gal.  I am a sponge eager to soak up the knowledge of those wiser that surround me.  Sharing in this wealth will help us as women to be the Ultimate Supreme of Housewives. Crown included...I have the hamper and crockpot by the reigns! Yee Ha!

Bisous et calin! (Hugs & Kisses)


Tip #1
"Dating" your Husband

Couples quickly fall into the comfort of knowing that they always have a standing Saturday night date but did they ever ask one another or just assume?  We should always want to "Date" our spouse.  This leaves room for mystery, spontaneity and romance.  Three things that can soon fade once we are married.   Jason and I vowed to forever date one another.  We agreed to one night during the week where we could be out together in a place that forces us into conversation.  This could be something as simple as going out for coffee, having dinner, going dancing, taking a cooking class together, going to a jazz club or to a Broadway show just to name a few.  Sitting in a movie theatre in silence doesn't count ladies...We plan a night and in our case we like to switch off who gets to make our date plans.  We both have so many ideas of things that we would like to do together and it makes it fun getting to plan for the other person what we think they would like to do.  What makes it so special is that actual thought went into the planning.  Then on that designated day or evening just as it was before we were married, I primp and prep and lay out a fabulous outfit to wear that I know that he'll notice. 

Here are a few of my favorite suggestions...

                  Date Night Outfit Idea #1

You've only got one chance to make a first impression. Wear something "sexy, flirty, and fun." Don't dress too provocatively because its the attention of your husband that you want, not other men. Don't be afraid to show off your shape, just not in a very low-cut way. Wear a button down silk shirt paired with a pencil skirt or a sexy pair of jeans and throw on a pair of heels or trendy flats.

Date Night Outfit Idea #2

If it is a casual date that you two are headed on, you want to look the part while still maintaining your sense of style.  A fabulous pair of jeans, great leather boots and a a fitted sweater is a perfect look for a day or evening date. If it's cold, wear a draped scarf softly tied at your chest.

Date Night Outfit Idea #3
If he asks you to meet him at an undisclosed location for your next romantic encounter, your best bet? The LBD. "That little black dress" always works — you can dress it up or down and try bringing a medium-sized purse to keep a pair of flats and a more luxe pair of earrings so you can quickly update your look for the suprise excursion.

Happy Date Night!!!

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